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welcome to WNDRLND
(wonderland / wanderland).
the personified play land for the sacral chakra. a wonder-full wilderness.
a multiverse of mythical marvel, wonder, beauty and magical charm.
a wildly personal space. some would call it a personal lifestyle experience.
a safe space. exclusive. unadulterated. coveted. you're here only because someone invited you.
you've come just at the end of the conception phase. the genesis. the garden. the nurturing before the bloom. the wellspring.
an alcove. a refuge. a sanctuary.
it's the most intimate time. the most intimate energy. the most intimate space.
it's the vibey jazz and poetry spot behind the regular restaurant. the speak easy. the dream big. the create passionately. the wander unapologetically.
the private pinterest board. the spoken word spot. the creative lair. the museum of marvel.
you get discovery.
piqued interest.
peeks into otherworldly marvels outside of the routine day to day.
oo the exhilaration. the chase. the savor.
stepping on a rollercoaster you know you'll love but have no idea where it will take you, how fast, how slow.
the first bite of your favorite food.
the crisp cool feeling of your sheets after a long, hard day and a long, hot bath.
the first notes of your favorite song that teleport your soul to another place, just for a millisecond in time.
the sun on your face.
the possibility.
the muse.
the escape.
the adoration.
it's the magical marvels of life that we may take for granted, bypass in our busyness, and that make us deeply intimate and most alive...
the sanctuary of home
the decor
the curated finds
the imperfections
the inceptions
the nostalgia
the joy
the self care
the well being
the creativity
the artistic creations
the art, design, culture, music
the words, writings, wonders,
the weird
the magic
the sacral
the tbd...
...i revel in and savor the 'tbd' - the wonder: the feeling of surprise and admiration by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
it could be a song, a book, a word, a piece of art, an event, an experience — anything that sparks wonder, joy, or feeling alive, like really alive. on fire. in flight. freeeee.
the structure of WNDRLND is being crystalized, like an embryo in the womb.
and thats what makes it so beautiful.
welcome, to this whimsy, weird, wonder-full, wild, wild, wilderness.
welcome to WNDRLND ...

lets play,